whohenstein: Immature Surf Scoter Kiptopeake
whohenstein: Surf Scoter Kiptopeake
whohenstein: White Winged Scoter Kiptopeake
whohenstein: Bufflehead
whohenstein: Purple Sandpiper
whohenstein: Greater Scaup Landing
whohenstein: Surf Scoter
whohenstein: Black Scoter
whohenstein: Ducks sheltering behind CBBT Island 1
whohenstein: Surf Scoter and Long Tailed Duck
whohenstein: Bonaparte's gull 3
whohenstein: Bonaparte's gull 2
whohenstein: bonaparte's gull
whohenstein: Savannah Ipswich Sparrow
whohenstein: Lesser Black Backed Gull
whohenstein: Short Eared Owl Swan's Cove 2
whohenstein: Short Eared Owl Swan's Cove
whohenstein: Snow Geese
whohenstein: Snow Geese at Rest
whohenstein: Snow Goose UC 71
whohenstein: Harbor Seals Queen Sound Landing Chincoteague, VA 2/16/2014
whohenstein: More Black Bellied Plovers and Dunlin
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plovers and Dunlin
whohenstein: Dunlin Flying
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plovers and some Dunlin in the Background
whohenstein: Willets and Marbled Godwits
whohenstein: Bonaparte's and Black Headed Gulls
whohenstein: Snow Geese in Flight