whohenstein: Common Tern and Friends
whohenstein: Bar Tailed Godwit in Flight
whohenstein: Willet Marbled and Bar Tailed Godwit
whohenstein: black foresters royal and common terns
whohenstein: Marbled godwits and willets
whohenstein: Skimmers
whohenstein: two terns
whohenstein: willets and godwits airborne
whohenstein: Black Tern and friends
whohenstein: Caspian Terns
whohenstein: Bar Tailed Godwit
whohenstein: Semipalmated sandpiper
whohenstein: Semipalmated sandpiper
whohenstein: bar tailed and marbled godwits
whohenstein: short billed dowitcher
whohenstein: Black Bellied Plover
whohenstein: black terns
whohenstein: Black Skimmer