whohenstein: south american stilt
whohenstein: Rufous-chested Dotterel
whohenstein: Two-banded Plover
whohenstein: buff-winged cinclodes
whohenstein: rufous-chested dotterel
whohenstein: kiskadees plover gull and caracara
whohenstein: skimmers
whohenstein: Olrog's Gull -- sub-adult
whohenstein: Masked Gnatcatcher Female
whohenstein: Masked Gnatcatcher female
whohenstein: Freckle Breasted Thornbird
whohenstein: something else 1
whohenstein: Long-tailed Reed Finch
whohenstein: great pampa finch
whohenstein: buff-winged cinclodes
whohenstein: rufous-chested dotterel
whohenstein: Austral Negrito
whohenstein: brown and yellow marshbird
whohenstein: Scarlet-headed blackbird
whohenstein: Scarlet-headed blackbird
whohenstein: shiny cowbirds
whohenstein: spotted winged pigeon and picazuro pigeons
whohenstein: snowy crowned terns and brown headed gulls
whohenstein: great kiskadee
whohenstein: monk parakeets
whohenstein: Mockingbird