whohenstein: thoughtful hummer
whohenstein: Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird
whohenstein: vesper sparrow 5
whohenstein: lincoln's sparrow
whohenstein: Eastern Loggerhead Shrike Occoquan NWR VA, USA 9/16/2012
whohenstein: Buff-breasted Sandpiper preening
whohenstein: buff breasted flats
whohenstein: white rumped sandpiper2
whohenstein: ruff and lesser yellowlegs
whohenstein: ruff and least
whohenstein: stilt sandpiper
whohenstein: pectorals
whohenstein: wilsons phalarope
whohenstein: piping plover
whohenstein: blue winged 3
whohenstein: bobolink 2
whohenstein: tennessee 3
whohenstein: red knot
whohenstein: black capped chicadee
whohenstein: chestnut sided 3
whohenstein: other waterthrush
whohenstein: scarlet tanager
whohenstein: wilsons 2
whohenstein: blue grosbeak
whohenstein: bc night heron 3
whohenstein: white crowned
whohenstein: prairie warbler 6