whohenstein: redshank and stint 3
whohenstein: redshank and stint 2
whohenstein: redshank and stint
whohenstein: redshank
whohenstein: dunlin flock
whohenstein: stints
whohenstein: stints on the wing
whohenstein: little stint
whohenstein: greenshank
whohenstein: plover in bushes
whohenstein: terek sandpiper and plover
whohenstein: curlews
whohenstein: whimbrel flying 2
whohenstein: whimbrel flying
whohenstein: redshank flying
whohenstein: sandpiper
whohenstein: not very dunlin like
whohenstein: Marsh Sandpiper
whohenstein: Marsh Sandpiper
whohenstein: slender billed gull
whohenstein: gull 2
whohenstein: desert wheatear 2
whohenstein: desert wheatear
whohenstein: Common Sandpiper
whohenstein: sandpiper flying
whohenstein: little and temmincks stints
whohenstein: Curlew Sandpiper