whohenstein: White faced duck with crocodile
whohenstein: white faced duck with ruff
whohenstein: hippos fooling around
whohenstein: a very large hippo
whohenstein: hippos being hippos
whohenstein: hippos playing i think
whohenstein: hippos
whohenstein: egyptian goose 2
whohenstein: black headed heron
whohenstein: some type of glossy starling
whohenstein: flying african fish eagle
whohenstein: hippos 4
whohenstein: hippos 5
whohenstein: hippos 3
whohenstein: lounging
whohenstein: Little egret
whohenstein: hippos 6
whohenstein: a lot of crocs
whohenstein: hippos in the distance
whohenstein: crocs on crocs
whohenstein: close up of croc
whohenstein: Pied kingfisher
whohenstein: hippos 2
whohenstein: medium sized croc
whohenstein: croc and wetlands
whohenstein: close by
whohenstein: trying to hide
whohenstein: Yellow Weaver (Ploceus subaureus)
whohenstein: weaver female