willie_p74: 2016-12-04 01
willie_p74: 2016-12-04 02
willie_p74: 2016-12-04 03
willie_p74: 2016-12-04 04
willie_p74: ... and a nice chianti
willie_p74: Ruby's first birthday
willie_p74: Happy birthday Ruby!
willie_p74: Cake = good
willie_p74: AJ is such a distraction
willie_p74: Ruby selfie!
willie_p74: Demolishing the cake
willie_p74: I'd have done the same thing
willie_p74: Ruby's first birthday.
willie_p74: Cake, it's pretty exciting.
willie_p74: A job well done
willie_p74: Hi Uncle Will!
willie_p74: And the crash
willie_p74: Isn't she sweet?
willie_p74: Moon on the breast of a new fallen snow
willie_p74: Moon and snow
willie_p74: Dog on the prairie path
willie_p74: She loves to run in the snow
willie_p74: Cousin Tim hosts the family Christmas
willie_p74: Andy and Ruby.
willie_p74: Nice tree
willie_p74: Melissa and Tim's tree.
willie_p74: Party goers
willie_p74: 2016-12-17 10
willie_p74: Tim was nice enough to bust out The Prisoner
willie_p74: Eddie and Kristy