Faithful Fools: Kids in the kitchen
Faithful Fools: Preparing the hole
Faithful Fools: Hole digging
Faithful Fools: Chatting with the neighbors
Faithful Fools: A bunch of Fools
Faithful Fools: Nieves with his little piggy hat
Faithful Fools: Picture taking
Faithful Fools: A couple-a-clowns
Faithful Fools: Gathering for the planting
Faithful Fools: Water carriers for the cement mixing
Faithful Fools: Peace Ceremony
Faithful Fools: Sam shares the inspiration of the idea to plant the pole
Faithful Fools: Alex Mixes cement
Faithful Fools: Peace and Sam plant the pole
Faithful Fools: the Community gathered
Faithful Fools: Leveling the pole
Faithful Fools: Checking the level
Faithful Fools: Looking Good!
Faithful Fools: Patti Sings a blessings
Faithful Fools: William helps his Fool Dad
Faithful Fools: Ready to help
Faithful Fools: Chattin' and Dryin'
Faithful Fools: Peace with the Peace Pole
Faithful Fools: Hello Greg!
Faithful Fools: Everyone Somewhere
Faithful Fools: Otto lookin' Fine
Faithful Fools: Fool Kate lookin' fine too!