Faithful Fools: Youth Singing a Christmas Song
Faithful Fools: Youth dancing for the community
Faithful Fools: Mercedes & Verónica give cards to us visitors made by Ana Cecilia
Faithful Fools: Alex gets his card
Faithful Fools: Viejitos dance! Oh such laughter!
Faithful Fools: Franciscan Associate Nury Castillo leads us in a gratitude activity
Faithful Fools: Vero gives thanks to Fernando for his leadership as a young adult
Faithful Fools: Carmen thanks all the youth, moved by their commitment
Faithful Fools: Alex thankds Dayci
Faithful Fools: Damien thanks Samantha
Faithful Fools: Mercedes thanks Sr. Susan
Faithful Fools: Group hug
Faithful Fools: Maryam thanks people in the community
Faithful Fools: Geri thanks Maryam for her commitment and love as a mother.
Faithful Fools: Max thanks Susan fro the joy she brings to his parents and the laughter in the house
Faithful Fools: Alex thanks Verónica
Faithful Fools: Fernanando thanks Max
Faithful Fools: A group hug!
Faithful Fools: Youth do a skit on values
Faithful Fools: Youth in song
Faithful Fools: Viejito Dance
Faithful Fools: Visitors from U.S. Ecuador, Columbia
Faithful Fools: Community photo
Faithful Fools: Fernando and Katherine
Faithful Fools: Verónica with her beautiful daughters, Katherine & Saraí
Faithful Fools: Alex with youth