Faithful Fools: Painting the set
Faithful Fools: Kirsten - artist and director
Faithful Fools: rA mu does finishing touches
Faithful Fools: Lauri paints into the night
Faithful Fools: Such creativity!
Faithful Fools: DSCN0880
Faithful Fools: Be Bartholomew
Faithful Fools: Making the food
Faithful Fools: DSCN0887
Faithful Fools: DSCN0890
Faithful Fools: Who is that with the knife?!
Faithful Fools: A fine team
Faithful Fools: hats ready to auction from, Paul"s Hat Works
Faithful Fools: DSCN0907
Faithful Fools: Bartholowmew's hats
Faithful Fools: balloon team
Faithful Fools: kitchen crew
Faithful Fools: DSCN0915
Faithful Fools: kitchen team
Faithful Fools: DSCN0918
Faithful Fools: DSCN0920
Faithful Fools: rA mu & the king
Faithful Fools: Norman & Josh
Faithful Fools: DSCN0953
Faithful Fools: DSCN0954
Faithful Fools: DSCN0955
Faithful Fools: Paella Man
Faithful Fools: DSCN0957
Faithful Fools: DSCN0961
Faithful Fools: DSCN0963