thelandgull: my handsome little brother Cameron
thelandgull: Port George Panorama Jamboree
thelandgull: fly eye fly eye-eyey
thelandgull: watching Home Improvement last Tuesday night at Kait and Julia's in the lazy nest
thelandgull: three hoodlums
thelandgull: kaitlin of north rustico
thelandgull: the lighthouse at the confed center art gallery
thelandgull: DSCF7263
thelandgull: stairs view of the lighthouse and kaitlin, the lighthouse interpreter
thelandgull: bryson 3
thelandgull: Bryson, Halifax mid january
thelandgull: waterfront, Halifax with cousin ryan and brother bryson
thelandgull: bill david connor
thelandgull: i go to a catholic university. and only just found this chapel in the NURSES building!!!
thelandgull: MY TERRITORY. all those slacker texters who eat cookies loudly stay OUT!! :-0