Holandés Errant:
Canyís - Wattle
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La llibertat de volar - Freedom to fly
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Look & Find
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Sóc un gripau... I'm a toad... :D
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Solitud nuvolosa - Cloudy solitude
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Fantasma daurat - Golden ghost
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Ens vigilen! :D - They are watching us :D
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Estar en contacte - To be in touch
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Lèvres rouges - Red lips
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Camí del blau - Going to the blue
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Verde que te quiero verde
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Aigua, espill de l'ànima - Water, mirror of the soul
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Anar i tornar - Roundtrip
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Foc estival - Summer fire
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Le plat pays (Jacques Brel - 1962)
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Un poble alegre - A happy village
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Nit blava - Blue night
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Cor de nou - Nut heart
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Homenatge a les mares - Tribute to the mothers
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Un trosset de pa - A bit of bread
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Blanc - White
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Bones Festes a tots - Happy Holidays
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Capvespre al port - Sunset at the harbour
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Autoretrat - Selfportrait (tagged by Ulla)