candysantacruz: view on Mt Evans Road K3II0256
candysantacruz: trees along Mt Evans Rd.K3II0287
candysantacruz: big horn sheep in Colorado.K3II0248
candysantacruz: smells.K3II0963
candysantacruz: elk time.K3II0970
candysantacruz: high up.K3II0532
candysantacruz: Evening light.K3II1958rz
candysantacruz: enjoy the view.K3II1326
candysantacruz: blue skies & more.K3II1365
candysantacruz: cliff view K3II1891
candysantacruz: lets drive.K3II0502
candysantacruz: Chapel on the Rock K3II1076
candysantacruz: the girls K3II0888.2
candysantacruz: prairie life.K3II1796
candysantacruz: fencing.K3II1799
candysantacruz: abandoned.II1805
candysantacruz: Autumn in the RockiesK3II1971
candysantacruz: Autumn in the RockiesK3II2056
candysantacruz: Autumn in the RockiesK3II2263-2rz
candysantacruz: Autumn in the RockiesK3II2391-2
candysantacruz: Autumn in the Rockies K3II2613RZ
candysantacruz: the canyon.K3II2714
candysantacruz: Painted Wall.K3II2162
candysantacruz: in a row. K3II2771
candysantacruz: autumn in the Rockies K3II0693
candysantacruz: history in the mountains K3II2357