Surfchild.: but is it art?
Surfchild.: 2/100. Disgruntled
Surfchild.: Lotus Position
Surfchild.: 3/100 Solitude
Surfchild.: Here there be dragons? Explored
Surfchild.: Little and Large
Surfchild.: 5/100. Why did the chicken cross the hall?
Surfchild.: 6/100. Net gain
Surfchild.: When I'm cleaning windows
Surfchild.: Ode to pie for the younger generation
Surfchild.: 7/100. Squaring the circle
Surfchild.: Windows
Surfchild.: 8/100 Candlemas. Explore
Surfchild.: 9/100. Crochet complications
Surfchild.: Echinopsis Duckus (Cactus Quackus)
Surfchild.: Bad hair day
Surfchild.: 10/100. colander competition
Surfchild.: 11/100. My love knows no bounds
Surfchild.: discarded
Surfchild.: Through the glass darkly. Explore
Surfchild.: Handled
Surfchild.: the wrong sort
Surfchild.: wandering lonely
Surfchild.: 16/100 Bewigged
Surfchild.: 17/100. Mrs Sweet Potato Head
Surfchild.: 18/100 sneaky explore