drewster81: Looking west to the North Atlantic
drewster81: Stromness on the Orkney "mainland" with the mountains of the Isle of Hoy behind. Our home for four days.
drewster81: Skara Brae. World Heritage Site. 5,000 years old. Older than the Pyramids.
drewster81: Skara Brae (!!!!)
drewster81: End of Skara Brae :(
drewster81: Skaill House.
drewster81: Standing stone on the Ring of Brodgar...another 4000-5000 year old monument, like Stonehenge.
drewster81: The Ring of Brodgar. About 26 of these badboys are still standing.
drewster81: Band photo.
drewster81: St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall.
drewster81: St. Magnus Cathedral, from 1137 AD
drewster81: Norwegian bible
drewster81: Tombstone in the church from 1612.
drewster81: Saint Olaf.
drewster81: Memento Mori (!!!!)
drewster81: Italian chapel built by Italian prisoners of war in the 1940's.