drewster81: Looking towards the Torlesse Range from the plains
drewster81: Shameless promotion for the Simpsons Movie in Springfield, Canterbury, New Zealand
drewster81: My old ride
drewster81: Arthur's Pass Village
drewster81: Topographical view of the central/east South Island
drewster81: Arthur's Pass Village looking east
drewster81: Lovely waterfall near Arthur's Pass
drewster81: Same waterfall, higher up
drewster81: It had a very heavenly look to it.
drewster81: View over Arthur's Pass Village
drewster81: Looking west over Arthur's Pass
drewster81: Driving through the Waimakariri Basin, Canterbury, New Zealand
drewster81: Driving back towards Christchurch from Arthur's Pass
drewster81: Not happy with the flare to the left
drewster81: Just pass Cass on way back east from Arthur's Pass
drewster81: Nikki and I
drewster81: The road west from Castle Hill to Arthur's Pass
drewster81: Near Castle Hill
drewster81: Sheeep, again and again