drewster81: Edinburgh Castle
drewster81: South Bridge/Old College
drewster81: The Royal Mile
drewster81: The Mound, looking up to the Castle and New College
drewster81: Princes Street Gardens with Walter Scott Monument and Balmoral Hotel
drewster81: Holyrood Palace
drewster81: Holyrood Park
drewster81: The Scottish Parliament
drewster81: Moray Place in New Town
drewster81: New Town street
drewster81: Queen Street, New Town
drewster81: New Town
drewster81: Cliched pic that has been done to death but that's because its an awesome view from Calton Hill
drewster81: Monuments on Calton Hill
drewster81: View to Calton Hill from North Bridge
drewster81: Looking west down Princes Street
drewster81: Victoria Street
drewster81: National Art Gallery, Edinburgh
drewster81: The Mound, Edinburgh
drewster81: St. Giles Cathedral, Royal Mile, Edinburgh
drewster81: The Hub
drewster81: The Hub from my courtyard
drewster81: Old Town view from Princes Street
drewster81: Walter Scott statue in his monument
drewster81: House in Charlotte Square, New Town
drewster81: View from my window in Milne's Court