drewster81: Back entrance to Milne's Court
drewster81: Arthur's Seat
drewster81: Salisbury Crags
drewster81: Hiking up Arthur's Seat
drewster81: Atop Arthur's Seat
drewster81: Down Arthur's Seat towards the city
drewster81: Old Town
drewster81: More Old Town
drewster81: One of the alleyways off the Royal Mile
drewster81: Street performers
drewster81: Me on the Royal Mile
drewster81: Entrance to the Queen's Palace at Holyrood
drewster81: Holyrood Palace
drewster81: Holyrood Abbey
drewster81: More Holyrood Abbey
drewster81: Outside of Holyrood Abbey
drewster81: Down the Mound to central Edinburgh
drewster81: Between the National Art Galleries, looking towards Princes Street
drewster81: Entrance to Princes Street Gardens
drewster81: Edinburgh Castle from Princes Street Gardens
drewster81: Looking up to Princes Street from the Gardens
drewster81: Main walkway of the Gardens
drewster81: Amazing fountain in Princes Street Garden looking up to the castle.
drewster81: More gardens
drewster81: Looking out of David Hume's rotund tomb.
drewster81: Parthenon on Calton Hill
drewster81: View of the city from Calton Hill in the evening
drewster81: View to Holyrood/Arthur's Seat from Calton Hill.
drewster81: View to Old Town/Edinburgh Uni from Calton Hill