{ wannabe }: Her first pedicure
{ wannabe }: Being bossy... :)
{ wannabe }: OOO, that tickles
{ wannabe }: Lovin' it
{ wannabe }: Do you have any BLACK polish?
{ wannabe }: Princess Buggernut
{ wannabe }: I live to wear this crown.
{ wannabe }: Ahahhahahahahah....
{ wannabe }: She had to have orange polish when they told her they didn't have black, her first choice
{ wannabe }: 100_2686
{ wannabe }: Cutest toes
{ wannabe }: 4 years old
{ wannabe }: Rockin' chic
{ wannabe }: Cutey pie
{ wannabe }: Ice skating for the first time
{ wannabe }: Hanging on
{ wannabe }: Not quite sure
{ wannabe }: Daddy's girl
{ wannabe }: She liked it best when he held her and skated. :)