daecabhir: Ice, Ice, Baby
daecabhir: Ice, Ice, Baby II
daecabhir: Practice Room Deck
daecabhir: Practice Room Deck II
daecabhir: Front Door Before Shoveling
daecabhir: Front Door Before Shovelling II
daecabhir: Front Door Before Shovelling III
daecabhir: Chunk!
daecabhir: Chunk II!
daecabhir: Southward After Shovelling
daecabhir: Northward After Shovelling
daecabhir: Mr. Blue Sky, don't fall on me...
daecabhir: Southward II
daecabhir: Southward III
daecabhir: Snow Fort
daecabhir: Snow Fort II
daecabhir: Front Door After the Shovelling
daecabhir: Front Door After the Shovelling II
daecabhir: The sky is blue, the snow is [mostly] white...
daecabhir: Playing with saturation...
daecabhir: My Street
daecabhir: My Street II
daecabhir: My Street III
daecabhir: Westward on Lombard
daecabhir: My Street, Next Block South
daecabhir: Eastward on Lombard
daecabhir: My Car II
daecabhir: My Car III
daecabhir: My Car IV
daecabhir: My Car V