oct_42: perfect day
oct_42: hairdo
oct_42: Mr. Chatter box
oct_42: Lily
oct_42: Lily
oct_42: _MG_1138
oct_42: _MG_1140
oct_42: the girls
oct_42: _MG_1146
oct_42: _MG_1147
oct_42: _MG_1148
oct_42: _MG_1151
oct_42: roots
oct_42: big step
oct_42: _MG_1163
oct_42: _MG_1168
oct_42: tongue
oct_42: the island
oct_42: reflection
oct_42: cmv
oct_42: MKM and LRM
oct_42: this bridge needs a goat
oct_42: silliness
oct_42: picnic
oct_42: branches
oct_42: field
oct_42: photographer
oct_42: sky
oct_42: lily
oct_42: Trivia