Wind Home: Great Uncle Harry (1942 )
Wind Home: Great Uncle Harry ( 1942 )
Wind Home: Great Uncle Harry 1942
Wind Home: Great Uncle Harry ( 1942 )
Wind Home: My Grandma ( 1930 )
Wind Home: Great Uncle Harry ( 1942 )
Wind Home: Old scanned family photos ( 1945 )
Wind Home: My Grandma Yetta Leibowitz 1928
Wind Home: The Leibowitz Family Late 1930's
Wind Home: My Grandma Yetta Leibowitz ( 1930 )
Wind Home: Mom and me 1974
Wind Home: Mom & Me 1982
Wind Home: Mom, Dad and Me 1975
Wind Home: My Father 1972
Wind Home: Myself 1978
Wind Home: Myself, My Brother and Aunt Carol ( 1980 )
Wind Home: Great Grandma Baron ( very early 1900's )