MyAngel 27:
Meet Adelaide the kookaburra
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A fun zoo encounter
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Olive the skink
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Educational greetings
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Black monitor
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Hello big boy!
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Echo - African red tail hawk
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Cousin to the North American red tail hawk
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Beautiful Echo
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Tex - N. American opposum
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Meet Tex
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Lovely Adelaide showing off her beautiful call!
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Sabi's hungry
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Not sure if he likes all the people watching after hours
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Shy Sango
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Sango the young King
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Two working together
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Go for it Sango!
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Getting closer
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Got it!
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Sango is hungry also
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Sabi gets the first bites
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Young lions Sango (M) and Sabi (F)
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Sango is a little shy at first with all the visitors
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Sango's turn!
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SNUGG - Denver Zoo Giraffe exam apparatus
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Denver Zoo's own creation
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Where in the giraffe yard the apparatus will be placed