MyAngel 27: One of the rescued tigers at the Sanctuary
MyAngel 27: The male lion that was rescued in Mexico recently
MyAngel 27: The pair of lions from Mexico
MyAngel 27: Still in love!
MyAngel 27: A picture of contentment
MyAngel 27: One fat cat! A happy one too
MyAngel 27: Kobu....our newest Colorado resident from Mexico
MyAngel 27: Ready to leap!
MyAngel 27: Black bears enclosure
MyAngel 27: Just a smidgeon of the land at the Wildlife Sanctuary-240 acres
MyAngel 27: Boo boo on his chin
MyAngel 27: Ahhhh...poor kitty, no tail!
MyAngel 27: Spotted a leopard
MyAngel 27: One of the grizzlies at the sanctuary
MyAngel 27: A grey wolf
MyAngel 27: A dead tree full of blackbirds! Reminded me of a Hitchcock movie
MyAngel 27: Rocky Mtn. Wildlife Conservation Center