tgypsy_jcs: Bobcat
tgypsy_jcs: Golden Eagle
tgypsy_jcs: Golden Eagle
tgypsy_jcs: Long-eared Owl
tgypsy_jcs: Long-eared Owl
tgypsy_jcs: Long-eared Owl
tgypsy_jcs: Long-eared Owl
tgypsy_jcs: Hermit Thrush - parking lot
tgypsy_jcs: Hermit Thrush
tgypsy_jcs: Squirrel Thief
tgypsy_jcs: Golden Eagle with Ferruginous Hawk
tgypsy_jcs: Ferruginous Hawk
tgypsy_jcs: Say's Phoebe
tgypsy_jcs: What's the date again?
tgypsy_jcs: Cassin's Kingbird
tgypsy_jcs: Golden Eagle with Praire Falcon
tgypsy_jcs: Long-eared Owl-portrait
tgypsy_jcs: Tricolored Blackbirds