tgypsy_jcs: Gray-cheeked Thrush2
tgypsy_jcs: Scenery - across the lake
tgypsy_jcs: Beaver
tgypsy_jcs: Gray-cheeked Thrush
tgypsy_jcs: Anti-Pebble
tgypsy_jcs: American Mink
tgypsy_jcs: Whimbrel
tgypsy_jcs: Yellow Warbler2
tgypsy_jcs: Surfbird
tgypsy_jcs: WC Sparrow - juv
tgypsy_jcs: Fox Sparrow Nestlings
tgypsy_jcs: Fox Sparrow 2
tgypsy_jcs: Gray-cheeked Thrush - juv
tgypsy_jcs: Bald Eagle2
tgypsy_jcs: Star Gentian
tgypsy_jcs: Lupine
tgypsy_jcs: Wilsons Warbler - juv?
tgypsy_jcs: Arctic Tern 3
tgypsy_jcs: Arctic Tern 2
tgypsy_jcs: Bear 7
tgypsy_jcs: Bald Eagle
tgypsy_jcs: OC Warbler - juv?
tgypsy_jcs: Bear 6
tgypsy_jcs: Bear 5
tgypsy_jcs: Rock Ptarmigan Mama 2
tgypsy_jcs: Rock Ptarmigan Baby
tgypsy_jcs: Irises
tgypsy_jcs: WCSparrow with grub
tgypsy_jcs: OC Warbler
tgypsy_jcs: Arctic Tern 1