colros: Millennium Park, Chicago
colros: The Linotype Man, Chicago Daily News Building
colros: An Ancient Scribe, Chicago Daily News Building
colros: Water Nymphs, Palmer House Hilton, Louis Pierre Rigal
colros: Lovers
colros: Chicago Daily News Building
colros: Defense of Fort Dearborn
colros: Regeneration After the Fire
colros: All for so Glorious an Enterprise, Marquette Building
colros: They Answered That They Were Illinois, Marquette Building
colros: Skylight, Chicago Cultural Center
colros: Skylight, Preston Bradley Hall, Chicago Cultural Center
colros: Present Bridge, Bataan-Corregidor Memorial Bridge
colros: First Bridge, Bataan-Corregidor Memorial Bridge
colros: Automobile, Ritz 55th Garage
colros: 1930 Cord L-29 Convertible Coupe
colros: 1948 Tucker Torpedo
colros: 1934 Ford Brewster Town Car
colros: 1939 Packard Brunn Clear Vision Laundaulette
colros: Chrysler Imperial ?1935
colros: 1937 Cord Phaeton
colros: Stained Glass from the Polish Pavilion 1939 World's Fair, Polish Museum of America
colros: Stained Glass from the Polish Pavilion at the 1939 World's Fair
colros: Powhatan Apartments
colros: Ritz 55th Garage
colros: Ritz 55th Garage
colros: Ritz 55th Garage
colros: Ritz 55th Garage
colros: St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
colros: St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church