Duc Anh Dam: Breakfast at Pan Pacific Singapore Hotel
Duc Anh Dam: Level 4 Pan Pacific Singapore Hotel
Duc Anh Dam: Trekking all by myself in Night Safari
Duc Anh Dam: Looks tired after a sleepless night
Duc Anh Dam: Early "Oktoberfest" with Christian Jirsa and Jeremy Seow
Duc Anh Dam: Time for beer with a German friend
Duc Anh Dam: The small path to swimming pool, level 4 Pan Pacific Hotel
Duc Anh Dam: My room over there
Duc Anh Dam: Pan Pacific lobby
Duc Anh Dam: Empty lobby
Duc Anh Dam: Fr lft to rgt: Henry Kian, Christian Jirsa and Sherrine Tan
Duc Anh Dam: Down here to up there
Duc Anh Dam: Duc Anh with Henry and Sherrine
Duc Anh Dam: Gang of Yahoo! SEA
Duc Anh Dam: Gentleman from Bavaria
Duc Anh Dam: My name is Autumn Apple
Duc Anh Dam: Fresh smile
Duc Anh Dam: Singaporean Beauty
Duc Anh Dam: Roger M
Duc Anh Dam: Nice guy Henry Kian
Duc Anh Dam: Two musketeers fighting against Tiger
Duc Anh Dam: For your health and wealth
Duc Anh Dam: Kanpei a!
Duc Anh Dam: Beautiful Alexandra
Duc Anh Dam: "Bia Hoi" with Alan Soon, the managing editor of Yahoo! SEA
Duc Anh Dam: German couple