Duc Anh Dam: Learns to crawl
Duc Anh Dam: 7 month baby
Duc Anh Dam: At a dolphin performance
Duc Anh Dam: 3 month baby
Duc Anh Dam: Tuan Chau 2002
Duc Anh Dam: At a electronic gadget store in Singapore
Duc Anh Dam: Fishing in mouth
Duc Anh Dam: Having so much fun
Duc Anh Dam: A hilarious party
Duc Anh Dam: Cute girlfriend
Duc Anh Dam: The other half of QM
Duc Anh Dam: Playing with the closest friend
Duc Anh Dam: Wandering in Nanjing
Duc Anh Dam: On Huangpu riverside
Duc Anh Dam: Checking the shooting
Duc Anh Dam: Discovering Great Wall
Duc Anh Dam: Father & son
Duc Anh Dam: Waiting for boarding
Duc Anh Dam: Reading the Bible
Duc Anh Dam: First night in the new house
Duc Anh Dam: At Temple of Literature
Duc Anh Dam: Guangzhou Airport
Duc Anh Dam: Singapore 2004
Duc Anh Dam: Guangzhou 2005
Duc Anh Dam: 01010212
Duc Anh Dam: DSC_0145
Duc Anh Dam: Playing Tarzan Boy
Duc Anh Dam: quangminh-&-pc-4
Duc Anh Dam: DSC_0213
Duc Anh Dam: quangminh-&-pc-5