LeftCoastKenny: Hike Map - Windy Hill
LeftCoastKenny: All the news that fits
LeftCoastKenny: Trillium
LeftCoastKenny: Hazy view east
LeftCoastKenny: Caterpillars!!
LeftCoastKenny: Houndstongue
LeftCoastKenny: Checker Lily
LeftCoastKenny: Trillium
LeftCoastKenny: Trillium
LeftCoastKenny: Trillium
LeftCoastKenny: Buttercup
LeftCoastKenny: Blue Eyed Grass
LeftCoastKenny: False Lily of the Valley
LeftCoastKenny: California Bee Plant
LeftCoastKenny: Geranium
LeftCoastKenny: Woodland Star
LeftCoastKenny: Milkmaids
LeftCoastKenny: Expensive Toy
LeftCoastKenny: Tomcat Clover
LeftCoastKenny: Lower Hamms Gulch Trail
LeftCoastKenny: California Man-root
LeftCoastKenny: The footbridge on Eagle Trail
LeftCoastKenny: Almost 50 years ago
LeftCoastKenny: Why? Why? Why?