hema_: Freedom in Wings!
hema_: REDVENTED BULBUL (Pycnonotus cafer)
hema_: After Marriage Effect :D
hema_: It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.
hema_: Where r u..............
hema_: Freedom in wings..
hema_: The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity.. Rite?
hema_: No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a Nap!
hema_: The butterfly is a flying flower, the flower a tethered butterfly.
hema_: Cuddled up with love..care...
hema_: yellow.. yellow.. dirty fellow. say hello to every fellow!!
hema_: Natural beauty.. without cosmetics!
hema_: Behind the scenes.. :D
hema_: Living in the past is a dull and lonely business; looking back strains the neck muscles, causing you to bump into people not going your way
hema_: who is bigger??
hema_: Now I know, who is tapping my phone! :D
hema_: yellow to yellow
hema_: Weather forecast for tonight : Dark.. :D
hema_: Urban nector!
hema_: joy unlimited!
hema_: Color discrimination! :D