Just chaos: Before the Wedding - Men
Just chaos: William - The Groom
Just chaos: James, Will and Tim
Just chaos: The rings
Just chaos: Before the wedding - the women
Just chaos: Before the wedding - the women
Just chaos: Back of the dress
Just chaos: Samantha - The Bride
Just chaos: The aisle
Just chaos: IMG_9214
Just chaos: IMG_9216
Just chaos: IMG_9219
Just chaos: Travis, Tim and Ben
Just chaos: Tim and Ben
Just chaos: Rudy and Gayle - Father and Aunt of the Groom
Just chaos: The waiting crowd
Just chaos: WIlliam
Just chaos: IMG_9241
Just chaos: IMG_9242
Just chaos: IMG_9246
Just chaos: IMG_9247
Just chaos: IMG_9249
Just chaos: The Minister
Just chaos: IMG_9256
Just chaos: IMG_9258
Just chaos: Weding
Just chaos: IMG_9263
Just chaos: IMG_9266
Just chaos: IMG_9267
Just chaos: weding