Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Windy Point on Abraham Lake (explore)
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Oh no!!! Snowing again!
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: New kids on the block: Common Goldeneye and her ducklings.
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Mud Hen or American Coot (Fulica americana) feeding her baby
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Drifting through a dream
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: The onlookers
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Water Art: SP
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: A bokehlicious heart for you!
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: Water Art: The red geraniums
Peggy2012CREATIVELENZ: A tasty morsel