outerspacebanhmi: Tai's "Mansion"
outerspacebanhmi: Adjusting the Dimmer
outerspacebanhmi: Flashlight
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0011.JPG
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0009.JPG
outerspacebanhmi: What Time Is It?
outerspacebanhmi: Breakfast at Tsukiji
outerspacebanhmi: I Love Sushi
outerspacebanhmi: Dragging Umbrella
outerspacebanhmi: My Subway Mall
outerspacebanhmi: Go Do It on the Mountain
outerspacebanhmi: Walking to Lunch
outerspacebanhmi: Special Sauce
outerspacebanhmi: Fried Food Choices
outerspacebanhmi: Delicious
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0043.JPG
outerspacebanhmi: Fast Train to Mitaka
outerspacebanhmi: Walk to Ghibli Museum
outerspacebanhmi: In the Ergo
outerspacebanhmi: Tototo Gate
outerspacebanhmi: Susuwatari - Soot Sprites
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0056.JPG
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0058.JPG
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0059.JPG
outerspacebanhmi: Laputa Robot
outerspacebanhmi: Rich Receives Gift
outerspacebanhmi: DSC_0068.JPG