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Wasp Beetle, Clytus arietis
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well, it is May...
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7-spot ladybird larva
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harlequin ladybird pupa
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ringside seat
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thick-legged flower beetles Oedemera nobilis
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thick-legged flower beetle
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thin-legged flower beetle?
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flower beetle on convolvulus flower
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love among the ragwort
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hangin' on
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busy ragwort stem
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a beetle on a blade of grass
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closer up beetle on grass stem
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a private leaf
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approaching the crossblades
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beetle of the day - and soon to be more ;D !
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Cantharis take-off
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lotta spot ladybird
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18-spot on bracken
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Oedemera nobilis on Plantago major
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in hiding
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rose chafer! ;(
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soldier beetle
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flower beetle tucking in to the convolvulus pollen
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flower beetle and flower
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at full stretch
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burly weevil