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golden ringed dragonfly
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garden visitor - Large Red Damselfly - bumbled around ineffectually in nether reaches of explore for a while, apparently
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face to face - Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) (Male)
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hanging on - Large Red Damselfly
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old red-eyes is back - explored again - this guy is a hit with the pickers!
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Common Blue Damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum - female
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gold on gold - female keeled skimmer
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wardrobe clash
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beyond the leaf you're on
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a perch is a perch...
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damsel fly - not 100% sure which
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common blue damselfly (female)
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resting on the bedstraw
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large red damsel fly again
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blue-tailed damselfly
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take me to your leader ii
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blue-tail ii
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libellule on the lobelia
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garden dragon
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early damsel
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damsel eyes
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wallflower damsel
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damsel on dis dress
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large red damsel sitting on fence
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large red damselfly immature male
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azure damselfly (female)
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dull damsel
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fly dares