1 other people: day's eye II (Bellis perennis)
1 other people: day's eye III (Bellis perennis)
1 other people: day's eye I (Bellis perennis)
1 other people: solitary bee
1 other people: battered and built for film, but still delivering the goods - smc PENTAX-F MACRO 100mm F2.8
1 other people: well, it is May...
1 other people: young grass snake in the grass
1 other people: heart of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
1 other people: forget-me-not blues
1 other people: dandelion anthers (Taraxacum officinale)
1 other people: old slides - SA pierid
1 other people: old slides - clear-winged burnets (?) - Nr Rustenburg, NW Cape SA
1 other people: bumbling about in the poppies
1 other people: ragged edges
1 other people: hiding, not hovering
1 other people: pre-flight checks
1 other people: poppy head
1 other people: poppy love
1 other people: a face full of pollen
1 other people: knot garden
1 other people: mating hoverflies (Helophilus pendulus.)
1 other people: leaf cutter bee (Megachile sp.)
1 other people: leaf-cutting bee (Megachile sp.) - the business end
1 other people: Dioctria baumhaueri
1 other people: female Dolichopodid
1 other people: Soldierfly, Chloromyia formosa
1 other people: A Long-legged Fly, Dolichopus genus
1 other people: Dolichopodid fly
1 other people: A Long-legged Fly, Dolichopus genus
1 other people: Helophilus pendulus again