suke36: Twiright
suke36: Birds qualtet
suke36: Enoshima and Enoden
suke36: Rocks for lovers
suke36: Hustle and bustle of great Buddha
suke36: Progression starting
suke36: Beach walking
suke36: Secret talking at the beach
suke36: From a train window Enoden
suke36: Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine
suke36: Bone Shadow
suke36: At Kenchouji temple
suke36: Children playing in a pond
suke36: From Goryou Shrine grounds
suke36: There is railway crossing
suke36: We leave the seat
suke36: Back from the sea
suke36: Still waiting
suke36: Luggage carrier of dinghy
suke36: In front of torii
suke36: Float
suke36: Benchseat
suke36: At Yuigahama beach
suke36: Beach balls
suke36: Board sail
suke36: Drawing
suke36: Green pagoda
suke36: Chozu-ya
suke36: Commemorative photo at the Great Buddha.
suke36: Training priest