houpley: baby copley in effect
houpley: upside down documentation
houpley: eric and amanda and The Tree
houpley: nursery theme-fabric
houpley: baby copley
houpley: finally
houpley: close up elephant
houpley: crib fights back
houpley: eric is winning
houpley: eric fights with crib
houpley: weaponry
houpley: crib 1
houpley: crib 2
houpley: changing table
houpley: strange animal in the closet before the great re-org of 2007
houpley: before nursery
houpley: after much organization the closet is complete
houpley: nursery after/almost finished
houpley: new rug
houpley: come and knock on my door...
houpley: most perfect elephant from Sylvia!
houpley: most perfect pail.
houpley: most perfect sweatshirt
houpley: the baby likes it
houpley: a bit of bubbly for the baby
houpley: self portrait
houpley: working it slightly blurry
houpley: working the pregnant
houpley: easter
houpley: getting ready friday