don moorcroft: A calm foggy morning at the lake
don moorcroft: Dining room in HDR
don moorcroft: Supercritical flow in the kitchen sink
don moorcroft: spiderwebs and early morning fog
don moorcroft: Shadows with leaves
don moorcroft: Sunset with contrails
don moorcroft: Twelve-spotted Skimmer
don moorcroft: Dot-tailed Whiteface
don moorcroft: Four-spotted Skimmer
don moorcroft: Dew-laden web in the early morning
don moorcroft: IMG_2667
don moorcroft: IMG_2620
don moorcroft: IMG_2577
don moorcroft: IMG_2570
don moorcroft: IMG_2551
don moorcroft: IMG_2471
don moorcroft: Shadows at sunrise
don moorcroft: Derelict cabin at sunrise
don moorcroft: Reflection of sky at sunrise
don moorcroft: Fall colours on the Medway Creek
don moorcroft: Wild carrot and sky
don moorcroft: Shadows on duckweed
don moorcroft: Shaggy Mane mushrooms aplenty
don moorcroft: Shaggy Mane up close
don moorcroft: Milkweed blossom
don moorcroft: Oak leaves and shadows: pattern
don moorcroft: Oak leaves and shadows
don moorcroft: Manitoulin in the summer
don moorcroft: Chimney cap, plus..