rickybird: Fox cubs first day out
rickybird: Loving Fox cub
rickybird: Fox cub gets a wash
rickybird: Fox cubs line up for a feed
rickybird: Fox cubs feeding, only room for two
rickybird: Brave cub always first to greet mum
rickybird: Fox cub wants to play
rickybird: Fox cubs look for mum
rickybird: I'm hungry
rickybird: Mums little shadow
rickybird: I'm off
rickybird: Fox cub learns not to leave lunch in Magpie's view
rickybird: Mum always watching me when cubs are out
rickybird: Fox cubs train spotting
rickybird: Mum's shadow
rickybird: Fox cub wants to play
rickybird: Fox Cubs enjoy the sun
rickybird: Vixen with most confident cub
rickybird: Big Fox chases prey
rickybird: Blackbird alarm call
rickybird: Hide and seek
rickybird: Cub kisses mum
rickybird: Fox Cub surrenders
rickybird: Fox cubs show their teeth
rickybird: Fox cubs still suckling
rickybird: Fox cub bundle
rickybird: Cubs look for mum
rickybird: In for the kill
rickybird: Cub fight
rickybird: Fox family at dawn