tr_chel: competitive battle. Who won?
tr_chel: Calvin's twin brother
tr_chel: Hey mannnnnnnn, let's tango
tr_chel: hola banana :D
tr_chel: why is it so hard to swallow?
tr_chel: Bung bu chua?
tr_chel: Dang dieu ba ba cua Calvin
tr_chel: Who can beat this monkey style?
tr_chel: Tui dep trai khong? :P
tr_chel: who will fall in love with this handsomeness?
tr_chel: Ha to mieng nao :D
tr_chel: Ai uong nuoc nhanh hon
tr_chel: Ai uong nuoc nhanh hon
tr_chel: cap doi hoan canh
tr_chel: Chan thom khong ><
tr_chel: peace out yo!:D
tr_chel: mat xau do
tr_chel: Oppp... do com roi