Aubunique: DSCN2463frog tributary
Aubunique: DSCN2462waterfall to frog
Aubunique: DSCN2461Road to frog waterfall j rule
Aubunique: DSCN2455dark butterflt
Aubunique: DSCN2451dark butterfly EX
Aubunique: DSCN2450butterfly on flox
Aubunique: DSCN2446dark bfly on flox
Aubunique: DSCN2413sharp yellow tufted iris ADJ
Aubunique: DSCN2411tufted yellow maroon iris adj Cropt
Aubunique: DSCN2411tufted yellow maroon iris adj Crop
Aubunique: DSCN2411tufted yellow maroon iris adj
Aubunique: DSCN2393yellow tiny 5 petal Oxalis ADj Crop
Aubunique: DSCN2385flox white
Aubunique: DSCN2465Winfrey valley ditch
Aubunique: DSCN2464winfrey valley dtich
Aubunique: DSCN2463
Aubunique: DSCN2462
Aubunique: DSCN2461
Aubunique: DSCN2460john rule Road to Frog
Aubunique: DSCN2459
Aubunique: DSCN2458
Aubunique: DSCN2457flox butterfly
Aubunique: DSCN2456
Aubunique: DSCN2455
Aubunique: DSCN2454
Aubunique: DSCN2453
Aubunique: DSCN2452
Aubunique: DSCN2451
Aubunique: DSCN2450
Aubunique: DSCN2449