Aubunique: Peace Garden Tour 2007 sponsored by the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology
Aubunique: PEACE HEROES banquet sponsored by the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology
Aubunique: Pastors For Peace pause in Fayetteville on their way to Cuba
Aubunique: Jim Bouman & CJ Atkins
Aubunique: Gladys Tiffany & Jim Bouman
Aubunique: Rapper for peace
Aubunique: Gladys Tiffany and Jim Bouman
Aubunique: Kenyon the dawn
Aubunique: John Rule, Jim Bouman and Dick Bennett
Aubunique: Jim Bouman talks about life in Cuba during a visit to the OMNI Center in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in July 2007
Aubunique: The OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology depends on its stalwart supporters
Aubunique: Marion Orton of Fayetteville talks with Jim Bouman of Pastors for Peace
Aubunique: Marion Orton and Jim Bouman discuss U.S. relations with Cuba in July 2007
Aubunique: Lyell Thompson of Fayetteville, Arkansas, in yellow shirt supports the mission of Pastors for Peace
Aubunique: Lyell Thompson of Fayetteville, Arkansas, listens intently to a description of the Pastors for Peace mission to Cuba
Aubunique: Is the mother cardinal nesting on top of the World Peace Wetland Prairie sign?
Aubunique: IMG_2966carolers
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Aubunique: IMG_2959staff reports
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Aubunique: IMG_2954Donna & Emily
Aubunique: IMG_2953OMNI carolers
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