Aubunique: Jim Wimberly family on War Eagle Creek on June 2, 2007
Aubunique: Madison theatre in Huntsville, Arkansas
Aubunique: The famous in Huntsville, Arkansas
Aubunique: John Two-Hawks lectures and performs his native-American music at Withrow Springs State Park
Aubunique: Marion Johnson of Huntsville has crafted nearly 50 fiddles by hand
Aubunique: Fiddle of new maple at left
Aubunique: Fiddle-maker Marion Johnson among Lions Club volunteers
Aubunique: Marion Johnson of Huntsville Lions Club
Aubunique: Volunteers make local events possible
Aubunique: IMG_3013war Eagle celebration
Aubunique: These musical women are part of the Mountain Gypsies
Aubunique: Local musicians make Arkansas festivals unique
Aubunique: A table for modeling a watershed has become standard at watershed celebrations
Aubunique: John Two-Hawks
Aubunique: Sandi Formica of the Watershed Consevation Resource Center
Aubunique: Eight-year-old boy performs with Mounty Gypsies
Aubunique: IMG_3006Withrow Springs
Aubunique: IMG_3005music crowd
Aubunique: IMG_3004Two Hawks gracious
Aubunique: IMG_3003Two-hawks group
Aubunique: IMG_3002state park people
Aubunique: IMG_3001stop littering
Aubunique: IMG_3000fish art
Aubunique: IMG_2998Withrow springs
Aubunique: IMG_2996huntsville photog
Aubunique: IMG_2994music fans
Aubunique: IMG_2991Mountain Gypsy band
Aubunique: IMG_2990huntsville folk
Aubunique: IMG_2988Katie Teague of The UA C E Service, Fran Free and John Gunsaulis dicuss the successful activities of War Eagle Appreciation Day
Aubunique: IMG_2987 Amy Wilson of Beaver Water District discusses watershed issues with a volunteer at War Eagle Appreciation Day