Aubunique: 5970dove sunset
Aubunique: 5933sunset Bkyrd
Aubunique: Eurasian collared dove at World Peace Wetland Prairie
Aubunique: Robin feeds on fruit
Aubunique: Thicket bird
Aubunique: PICT0042 cedar waxwing on World Peace Wetland Prairie
Aubunique: PICT0096Dove on World Peace Wetland Prairie
Aubunique: Berry eater
Aubunique: World Peace Wetland Prairie 7561 thrasher eye and beak
Aubunique: Robin chose to nest in China honeysuckle shrub
Aubunique: 0521beak of robin
Aubunique: nestlings wait for mother robin to return with food
Aubunique: Robin sitting near her nest waiting for intruder to move away
Aubunique: A powerful hail and thunderstorm left this wet robin waiting for its mother
Aubunique: A closeup of the nest reveals four robin beaks
Aubunique: National Wildlife Federation Wildlife sign next to World Peace Wetland Prairie in Fayetteville, Arkansas
Aubunique: Carolina wren on nest 50 feet from World Peace Wetland Prairie
Aubunique: Carolina wren nests in newspaper box
Aubunique: Carolina wren nests in old-fashioned metal newspaper tube
Aubunique: Male Indigo bunting in tree on northwest portion of World Peace Wetland Prairie
Aubunique: Male Goldfinch at dusk on World Peace Wetland Prairie. Please click on image to enlarge to find him.
Aubunique: Silhouette of young wren undergoing flight training
Aubunique: Adult wren encouraging youngster
Aubunique: Wren supervising flight training
Aubunique: Wren silhouette
Aubunique: The big blue sign at World Peace Wetland Prairie was adorned by a female cardinal early on July 15, 2007
Aubunique: Is the mother cardinal nesting on top of the World Peace Wetland Prairie sign?
Aubunique: IMG_8758red bird
Aubunique: IMG_8760redbird wpwp
Aubunique: IMG_8761redbird eats