cmkl: Little Joe Lake
cmkl: Pre-trip selfie, Little Joe Lake
cmkl: LIttle Joe Lake
cmkl: Burnt Island Lake, looking west
cmkl: Martin, Little Otterslide Lake
cmkl: Newbies about
cmkl: Little Otterslide Lake
cmkl: Shorts in late September
cmkl: The living and the dead
cmkl: Yob behaviour exhibit 'A'
cmkl: Yob behaviour exhibit 'B'
cmkl: The food. The Booze
cmkl: LI battery back from the dead
cmkl: Doing the dishes
cmkl: Mushroom
cmkl: Time to paddle
cmkl: Abandoned canoe cart
cmkl: Island on fire, Big Trout Lake
cmkl: Root fire
cmkl: Sunset, White Trout Lake
cmkl: White Trout Lake
cmkl: White Trout Lake, morning
cmkl: Grassy Bay
cmkl: Grassy Bay, looking back
cmkl: Ink to Tom Thomson
cmkl: Martin wondering about valet parking
cmkl: Tom Thomson
cmkl: Campsite destruction, Little Doe Lake - Exhibit 'D'