89cxsport: DSCN3628
89cxsport: DSCN3632
89cxsport: IMG_20140430_140410976_HDR
89cxsport: Duke Hall
89cxsport: Forbes Center for the Performing Arts
89cxsport: Wampler Hall
89cxsport: ISAT/CS Building JMU
89cxsport: Bridgeforth Stadium
89cxsport: JMU Convocation Center entrance E
89cxsport: JMU Convocation Center
89cxsport: Massanutten Hall
89cxsport: Forbes Center For Prefoming Arts
89cxsport: Music Building JMU
89cxsport: Cleveland Hall JMU
89cxsport: off campus housing
89cxsport: Unversity Park
89cxsport: University Park
89cxsport: 865 East off campus student housing
89cxsport: Sonner Hall-Bridgeforth Stadium
89cxsport: Newman Lake
89cxsport: DSCN3923
89cxsport: Godwin Hall
89cxsport: University Recreation
89cxsport: Bioscience Building
89cxsport: Rose Library
89cxsport: DSCN3932
89cxsport: East Campus Dining Hall
89cxsport: Potomac Hall
89cxsport: Festival Conference and Student Center
89cxsport: Rose Library