Steve & Alison1: unarmored scale insect Pseudococcus sp Pseudococcoidea Airlie Beach P1020389
Steve & Alison1: unarmored scale insect Pseudococcus sp Pseudococcoidea Airlie Beach P1020385
Steve & Alison1: unarmored scale insect Pseudococcus sp Pseudococcoidea Airlie Beach P1020388
Steve & Alison1: Stinky sooty mould crematogaster ant inspecting its capnodium sooty mould on gardenia leaf Airlie Beach P1230150
Steve & Alison1: Stinky crematogaster ants working Mycelium network of capnodium sooty mould and insect scale Eucalymnatus sp Coccidae feeding on gardenia leaf Airlie Beach P1060297
Steve & Alison1: Mycelium network of capnodium sooty mould even on insect scale Eucalymnatus sp Coccidae feeding on gardenia leaf Airlie Beach P1060292
Steve & Alison1: Mycelium network of capnodium sooty mould even on tessellated scale eucalymnatus sp feeding on gardenia leaf Airlie Beach P1060290
Steve & Alison1: Mycelium network of capnodium sooty mould even on insect scale feeding on gardenia leaf Airlie Beach P1060294
Steve & Alison1: Mycelium network of sooty mould capnodium sp even on tessellated scale insect eucalymnatus sp Coccidae feeding on gardenia leaf Airlie Beach P1230081
Steve & Alison1: THE ANSWER to the question which of its 6 legs does a dog smell ant lift to mark its territory P1000980
Steve & Alison1: Dog smell ant crematogaster sp Formicidae working a soft wax scale insect Ceroplastes sp Coccidae Airlie Beach rainforest P1000985
Steve & Alison1: Arrowhead scale Sap suckers Unaspis yanonensis Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea 1mm long Airlie Beach rainforest P1050398
Steve & Alison1: Arrowhead scale Sap suckers Unaspis yanonensis Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea 1mm long Airlie Beach rainforest P1050388
Steve & Alison1: Arrowhead scale Sap suckers Unaspis yanonensis Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea 1mm long Airlie Beach rainforest P1050399
Steve & Alison1: NO COVI - D19 STOPPING WORK HERE P1134257
Steve & Alison1: Crematogaster ants still farming Yellow and cream tufted sap sucker scale Icerya sp Monophlebidae Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1134260
Steve & Alison1: NO COVI - D19 STOPPING WORK HERE P1134268
Steve & Alison1: 3mm long Crematogaster ants still farming Yellow and cream tufted sap sucker scale Icerya sp Monophlebidae Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1210643
Steve & Alison1: 3mm long Crematogaster ants still farming Yellow and cream tufted sap sucker scale Icerya sp Monophlebidae Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1210642
Steve & Alison1: Crematogaster ants Myrmicinae Formicidae still farming Yellow and cream tufted sap sucker scale Icerya sp Monophlebidae Sternorrhyncha Coccoidea Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1210641
Steve & Alison1: Star shape wax scale instar Ceroplastes sp Coccidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1090553
Steve & Alison1: Star shape wax scale instar Ceroplastes sp Coccidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1090556
Steve & Alison1: Star shape wax scale instar Ceroplastes sp Coccidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1090558
Steve & Alison1: Star shape wax scale instar Ceroplastes sp Coccidae Mandalay rainforest Airlie Beach P1090551