Travels with Kathleen: And the sea was crayon blue
Travels with Kathleen: Blue and yellow
Travels with Kathleen: Stars on teal and rust
Travels with Kathleen: Classical gas
Travels with Kathleen: Window dressing
Travels with Kathleen: Cartography of a red planet
Travels with Kathleen: Not the cruise I signed up for
Travels with Kathleen: In Scandinavia, even skid row has bicycles
Travels with Kathleen: This is an ex-bicycle!
Travels with Kathleen: West 46th Street
Travels with Kathleen: Holding the door
Travels with Kathleen: Star Wars guitar
Travels with Kathleen: Blue abstract
Travels with Kathleen: Thee Final Frontier
Travels with Kathleen: I can't find my way home
Travels with Kathleen: At the end of the tunnel
Travels with Kathleen: You'll never get a taxi in this weather
Travels with Kathleen: A sunny day in Portland
Travels with Kathleen: Putting up scaffolding
Travels with Kathleen: Poised for takeoff